Many of the articles and chapters mentioned below can be found on Andries Baart’s Research Gate page: and/or Guus Timmerman’s Research Gate page:
Recently Published
Baart, A. & Timmerman, G. (2025). Relational Caring and Presence Theory in Health Care and Social Work: A Care-Ethical Perspective. Bristol: Policy Press. Hardback or ePub: Policy Press | Relational Caring and Presence Theory in Health Care and Social Work – A Care-Ethical Perspective, By Andries Baart and Guus Timmerman. Digital: Relational Caring and Presence Theory in Health Care and Social Work – A Care-Ethical Perspective | Bristol University Press.
Presence Theory
- Du Plessis, E. (Ed.). (2021). Reflecting on presence in nursing: A guide for practice and research. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. For more information, see
- Du Plessis, E., & Beurskens, E. (2021). A deeper understanding of presence through an exposure. In E. du Plessis (Ed.), Reflecting on presence in nursing: A guide for practice and research (pp. 20-39). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
- Du Plessis, E., Froneman, K., Shopo, K., Tau, B., & Sojane, S. (2018). Promoting caring presence in nursing: Initial findings. In A. de la Porte, N. Joubert & A. Oberholzer (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Biennial South African Conference on Spirituality and Healthcare (pp. 154-170). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Timmerman, G., & Baart, A. (2016). Präsentische Praxis und die Theorie der Präsenz [Practice and theory of presence]. In E. Conradi, & F. Vosman (Eds.), Praxis der Achtsamkeit: Schlüsselbegriffe der Care-Ethik [Practice of care: Key concepts of care ethics] (pp. 189-208). Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag.
- Baart, A., & Vosman, F. (2011). Relationship based care and recognition: Part one: Sketching good care from the theory of presence and five entries. In C. Leget, C. Gastmans & M. Verkerk (Eds.), Care, compassion and recognition: An ethical discussion (pp. 183-200). Leuven: Peeters.
- Van Heijst, A. (2011). Professional loving care: An ethical view of the health care sector [Menslievende zorg: Een ethische kijk op professionalisering in de zorg, Kampen: Klement, 2005] (K. Caldwell Trans.). (see especially: pp. 96-119) Leuven: Peeters.
- Baart, A. (2004). What makes care good care? Journal of Social Intervention, 13(3), 14-26.
- Baart, A. (2003). The fragile power of listening. Practical Theology in South Africa / Praktiese Teologie in Suid-Afrika, 18(3), 136-156.
(Presence Theory and) care ethics
- Baart, A. (2020). Empirically grounded ethics of care: An argument. In F. Vosman, A. Baart & J. Hoffman (Eds.), The ethics of care (pp. 261-298). Leuven: Peeters.
- Vosman, F., Timmerman, G., & Baart, A. (2018). Digging into care practices: The confrontation of care ethics with qualitative empirical and theoretical developments in the low countries, 2007-17. International Journal of Care and Caring, 2(3 (Special issue: The care ethics moment: International innovations)), 405-423.
(Presence Theory and) qualitative research and empirically grounded ethics
- Timmerman, G., Baart, A., & Vosman, F. (2019). In search of good care: The methodology of phenomenological, theory-oriented ‘N=N case studies’ in empirically grounded ethics of care. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, Published online: 22 March 2019, 1-11. Full-text view-only:
- Timmerman, G. (2018). Empirically grounded ethics and Charles Taylor’s relational ontology of goods. In van den Heuvel, Steven C., P. Nullens & A. Roothaan (Eds.), Theological ethics and moral value phenomena: The experience of values (pp. 49-64). New York: Routledge.
- Baart, A., & Timmerman, G. (2016). Plädoyer für eine empirisch begründete Ethik der Achtsamkeit, Präsenz und Sorge [Plea for an empirically grounded ethics of care]. In E. Conradi, & F. Vosman (Eds.), Praxis der Achtsamkeit: Schlüsselbegriffe der Care-Ethik [Practice of care: Key concepts of care ethics] (pp. 129-146). Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag.
- Timmerman, G., & Vosman, F. (2014). Steuermanskunst als empirisch begründete Metapher in der Seelsorge: Zur Methodologie und Epistemologie qualitativ-empirischer Forschung in der Moraltheologie [Steersmanship as an empirically grounded metaphor in pastoral care: About the methodology and epistemology of qualitative empirical research in moral theology]. In W. Schaupp (Ed.), Ethik und Empirie: Gegenwärtige Herausforderungen für Moraltheologie und Sozialethik [Ethics and empirical research: Actual challenges in moral theology] (pp. 277-289). Freiburg Schweiz/Freiburg-Wien: Academic Press Fribourg/Verlag Herder.
- Klaver, K., van Elst, E., & Baart, A. (2014). Demarcation of the ethics of care as a discipline. Nursing Ethics, 21(7), 755-765.
- Van Heijst, A. (2011). Professional loving care: An ethical view of the health care sector [Menslievende zorg: Een ethische kijk op professionalisering in de zorg, Kampen: Klement, 2005] (K. Caldwell Trans.). Leuven: Peeters.
- Timmerman, G. (2010). Respect for autonomy and authenticity: The pastor’s responsiveness to the person of the pastoree. Ethical Perspectives, 17(2 (Special issue: Ethics and empirics – Strange and fragile bedfellows)), 309-341.
(Presence Theory and) quality of care and empirically grounded ethics
- Timmerman, G., Baart, A., & den Bakker, J. (2021). Cultivating quality awareness in corona times. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 24(2), 189-204.
- Kuis, E. E., Goossensen, A., van Dijke, J., & Baart, A. J. (2015). Self‐report questionnaire for measuring presence: Development and initial validation. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 29(1), 173-182.
- Kuis, E., Knoope, A., & Goossensen, A. (2014). Presence as an innovation concept in care: Reflections on a pilot study. Journal of Social Intervention, 23(2), 21-37.
- Baart, A., & Vosman, F. (2011). Relationship based care and recognition: Part one: Sketching good care from the theory of presence and five entries. In C. Leget, C. Gastmans & M. Verkerk (Eds.), Care, compassion and recognition: An ethical discussion (pp. 183-200). Leuven: Peeters.
- Vosman, F., & Baart, A. (2011). Relationship based care and recognition: Part two: Good care and recognition. In C. Leget, C. Gastmans & M. Verkerk (Eds.), Care, compassion and recognition: An ethical discussion (pp. 201-227). Leuven: Peeters.
- Baart, A. (2004). What makes care good care? Journal of Social Intervention, 13(3), 14-26.
(Presence Theory and) practical wisdom
- Bontemps-Hommen, M. (2020). Practical wisdom: The vital core of professionalism in medical practices (PhD Thesis, University of Humanistic Studies). Afferden.
- Bontemps-Hommen, Marij C.M.M.L., Baart, A.J., & Vosman, F.J.H. (2020). Professional workplace-learning. can practical wisdom be learned? Vocations and Learning, 13(3), 479-501.
- Bontemps-Hommen, M., Baart, A., & Vosman, F. (2020). Professional medical discourse and the emergence of practical wisdom in everyday practices: Analysis of a keyhole case. Health Care Analysis, 28(2), 137-157.
- Bontemps‐Hommen, M. C., Vosman, F. J., & Baart, A. J. (2019). The multiple faces of practical wisdom in complex clinical practices: An empirical exploration. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, Published online: 22 February 2019
- Bontemps-Hommen, C. M. M. L., Baart, A., & Vosman, F. T. H. (2018). Practical wisdom in complex medical practices: A critical proposal. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, Published online: 20 June 2018, 1-11.
(Presence Theory and) attentiveness
- Klaver, K., & Baart, A. (2016a). The components of attentiveness in oncology. The Qualitative Report, 21(4), 712-726.
- Klaver, K., & Baart, A. (2016b). How can attending physicians be more attentive? on being attentive versus producing attentiveness. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 19, 351-359.
- Klaver, K., & Baart, A. (2016c). Managing socio-institutional enclosure: A grounded theory of caregivers’ attentiveness in hospital care. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 22, 95-102.
- Klaver, K., & Baart, A. (2011a). Attentive care in a hospital: Towards an empirical ethics of care. Medische Antropologie, 23(2), 309-324.
- Klaver, K., & Baart, A. (2011b). Attentiveness in care: Towards a theoretical framework. Nursing Ethics, 18(5), 686-693.
(Presence Theory and) other topics
- Timmerman, G., & Baart, A. (2022). The continuing formation of relational caring professionals. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 25, 587-602.
- Timmerman, G., & Leest, J. (2022). Training Actors’ Knowledge of the Lived Experience of People with Advanced Dementia. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 8, 1-6.
- Baart, A. (2021). Precariousness, precarity, precariat, precarization and social redundancy: A substantiated map for the ethics of care. In M. Hamington, & M. Flower (Eds.), Care Ethics in the Age of Precarity (pp. 91-119). University of Minnesota Press.
- Baart, A., & Hoffman, J. (2021). Long-term care futures in South Africa: A different voice. In E. du Plessis (Ed.), Reflecting on presence in nursing: A guide for practice and research (pp. 162-198). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
- Den Bakker, J., du Plessis, E., & Babs, T. (2021). Nursing care management through relational leadership. In E. du Plessis (Ed.), Reflecting on presence in nursing: A guide for practice and research (pp. 72-88). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
- Baart, A. (2018). Afterword: Discourses of care for older people in Sub-Saharan Africa: Towards conceptual development. In J. Hoffman, & K. Pype (Eds.), Ageing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Spaces and practices of care (pp. 183-201). Bristol: Policy Press.
- Schaftenaar, P., van Outheusden, I., Stams, G., & Baart, A. (2018). Relational caring and contact after treatment: An evaluation study on criminal recidivism. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 60, 45-50.
- Timmerman, G., More self-reliance, less government? Neoliberalisation in healthcare and social welfare.
- Olthuis, G., Prins, C., Smits, M., van de Pas, H., Bierens, J., & Baart, A. (2014). Matters of concern: A qualitative study of emergency care from the perspective of patients. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 62(5), 311-319.
- Baart, A. (2014). The formation of the care ethical practitioner., 1-24.
- van der Zande, M., Baart, A., & Vosman, F. (2013). Ethical sensitivity in practice: Finding tacit moral knowing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(1), 68-76.
- Vosman, F., & Baart, A. (2010). Frailty and care. In J. Brouwer (Ed.), Successful ageing, spirituality and meaning: Multidisciplinary perspectives (pp. 191-206). Leuven [etc.]: Peeters.*
- Vosman, F., & Baart, A. (2008). Being witness to the lives of the very old. Journal of Social Intervention, 17(3), 21-32.