Professor Andries Baart, Chair Presence and Care, University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
The ethics of care is an ethics that is relationally, contextually and situationally constituted. In perceiving, understanding and judging moral goods there cannot be a reliance on extra-relational, general principles − at least not only, perhaps not even slightly. It has to be slowly, conscientiously and attentively investigated: both the sensible (wise) and less sensible practices; both the excellent and the mediocre carer. Mindful of complex dependencies and social loyalties, care practices ought to be reconstructed from the context and from the perspectives of the carers –– what is good, reasonable, proportionate, just or decent care. Only after such a critical empirical inquiry could morally-relevant insights for good care be attained. This presentation aims to explore an empirically grounded ethics and how it can be operationalized – traditionally thought to be a contradictio in terminis.
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In de periode van 15 oktober t/m 3 december 2014 organiseerden dr. Jaco Hoffman van het Oxford Institute of Population Ageing en de hoogleraren Frans Vosman en Andries Baart van de Universiteit voor Humanistiek een reeks van 8 seminars over zorgethiek. De seminars werden verzorgd door vooraanstaande wetenschappers op dit vakgebied uit Frankrijk, Amerika, Duitsland, Engeland en Nederland. Van alle seminars werden beeldregistraties gemaakt, die via de website van Stichting Presentie beschikbaar gesteld worden. Van sommige lezingen zijn ook de handouts beschikbaar.
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