Professor Fabienne Brugère, University of Paris VIII, France.
One cannot reflect on the ethics of care without subscribing to an anthropology of vulnerability of both the cared for and the carer. Vulnerability presupposes the idea that feelings are the motive for the action that underscores ethics. However, can caring be considered as love’s labour (to borrow the title of Eva Feder Kittay’s book)? Love, caring and the construction of emotions produce relations that have to do with the inequality of vulnerability. This inequality means irregularity and instability. Are emotions useful for an ethics of care, especially in very asymmetrical relations with those on the margins of the society (the poor, migrants, women without rights)? We will explore the theme of desentimentalized emotions as an intelligent orientation to care, particularly in relation to social exclusion.
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In de periode van 15 oktober t/m 3 december 2014 organiseerden dr. Jaco Hoffman van het Oxford Institute of Population Ageing en de hoogleraren Frans Vosman en Andries Baart van de Universiteit voor Humanistiek een reeks van 8 seminars over zorgethiek. De seminars werden verzorgd door vooraanstaande wetenschappers op dit vakgebied uit Frankrijk, Amerika, Duitsland, Engeland en Nederland. Van alle seminars werden beeldregistraties gemaakt, die via de website van Stichting Presentie beschikbaar gesteld worden. Van sommige lezingen zijn ook de handouts beschikbaar.
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